Móðir Jörð in Vallanes is looking to hire workers for the coming season. Our jobs are versatile and interesting, ranging from growing vegetables and grains, field work, processing, cooking and giving service to the increasing number of people visiting our farm every year. Our working atmosphere is international and lively, with good and healthy food at the heart of everything we do. Móðir Jörð is specialized in organic farming and we build our products and service on the food we grow in Vallanes. Possibility is to offer accommodation. Below you find the list of the jobs in questions, some are seasonal, others are permanent or even part time. If you are interested please send us your resume and application letter to the following email address, info@vallanes.is info@vallanes.is.

Food processing/packing

We look for a person in a permanent position to lead our food processing and packing team, to start immediately. We are looking for a person with ambition for great food and delivering a product of quality, a team player with a smile. Good level of English is a must. Experience in handling food, cooking or working in food processing is considered a good experience for this job. We are also looking for staff in packing and cleaning, such as housekeeping. Part time jobs are an option.

Cooking and service in restaurant

We are searching for a worker with passion for good food to take care of the cooking for our café and restaurant which offers seasonal, local and plant based food for the growing number of guests visiting our farm. We look for someone with education as a chef and/or experience and passion for cooking healthy and delicious food. Interest and focus for health and flavor is a must. The job requires good level of English and mindset for providing great service. Period is May – September.We are also looking for front line staff in our farmshop and café in the period of June – August. This job requires talent for customer service and catering. Experience in jobs in the field of customer service and kitchen work is an advantage. Good level of English is a must.

Við leitum einnig að starfsfólki til að veita þjónustu í sal og í verslun okkar í Vallanesi.  Hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum er skilyrði og starfsreynsla af sambærilegum störfum er æskileg. Gerð er krafa um góða enskukunnáttu.

Field worker/Agronomy

We are looking for an experienced worker with a license to use agricultural machines, tractors, cultivator etc. The job is temporary in the period of April to October. As all jobs in Móðir Jörð this job requires open mindset and flexibility to take part in the various tasks that the farm offers at any time. We look for someone responsible and with a good understanding of machinery and agriculture.

Job in horticulture

We are searching for a person with passion for growing vegetables and herbs, handling them and deliver to our customers who are restaurants and shops across Iceland. We grow a range of vegetables outdoor but also indoor in greenhouses. This is a seasonal job with a period from May throughout October. It requires competence to work with others and leading groups, planning and taking on different tasks according to season. This is a versatile job requiring good level of English.

Please send us your application letter and CV to info@vallanes.is before February 10th 

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