Móðir Jörð is an inpedendent family owned organic farm and food producer. We grow cereals and various types of vegetables, our product line is inspired by ingredients we grow or forage at our farm. The Vallanes farm is open for visits from May - October. Couple Eymundur Magnússon and Eygló Björk Ólafsdóttir welcome guests to stay and visit the farms guesthouse and vegetarian café open in the summer.


Móðir Jörð specializes in growing grain, organic barley in particular. Barley has played a part in Icelandic culinary history ever since Iceland’s settlement in the 9th century. For a few centuries it was forgotten in Iceland, but it has recently started to make its way into Icelandic contemporary cuisine. Móðir Jörð – Vallanes is known for its pioneering role in Iceland in re-introducing barley for human consumption when Eymundur Magnússon started organic farming in 1985. Together with his wife, Eygló Björk Ólafsdóttir, they focus on growing grains and vegetables, and on producing specialty food products made from local, Icelandic ingredients.
Móðir Jörð is situated on a farm called Vallanes in beautiful east Iceland, near a glacial lake, midway between Egilsstaðir and Hallormsstaður. This area is known for its forests and relatively mild climate. The fields around Vallanes have been shaped by the planting of over 1,000,000 trees, some of which make shelterbelts that protect the growing crops.
Everything grown and/or produced in Vallanes is certified organic by the certification office TUN in Iceland.


Our products are available in shops and supermarkets in Iceland, and in our webshop.

Our product categories are:
- Cereals (barley and wholewheat)

Fresh vegetables and herbs

- Rapeseed oil (vegetable oil)

- Whole grain crisp bread
- Breakfast barley porridge, pancake mix and breadmix

- Sweet pickled vegetables or chutneys, Brilliant Beetroot, Golden Turnip, Fennel delight, Curried Carrots
- Jams (berries and rhubarb)
- Fermented vegetables (krauts)
- Vegetarian burgers (suitable for vegans)
- Fresh pesto
- Herbal tea infusions

- Massage oil, body and face oils


Eygló Björk Ólafsdóttir er viðskiptafræðingur frá Háskóla Íslands og gekk til liðs við Móður Jörð árið 2010.  Hún hefur áralanga reynslu af matvörumarkaði hér heima og erlendis. Eygló er einn af stofnendum Slow Food hreyfingarinnar á Íslandi og er formaður VOR  sem er félag lífrænna framleiðenda. Eygló er formaður fagráðs í lífrænum landbúnaði frá árinu 2019.


Eymundur Magnússon er búfræðingur að mennt og útskrifaðist frá Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands á Hvanneyri árið 1973. Að loknu námi starfaði hann erlendis við búrekstur í Bretlandi, Svíþjóð og Noregi. Eymundur hóf búskap í Vallanesi árið 1979 með fjölskyldu sinni og lagði fyrst stund á kúabúskap og síðar grænmetis- og kornrækt til manneldis frá árinu 1985.


Our farm has received recognition for sustainable farming and product innovation

2004 – Eymundur Magnússon – Iceland’s Agriculture award – for the use of Agroecology and forestry in farming

- 2011 – Eymundur Magnússon – The Order of the Falcon – the Knight’s Cross – given by the President of Iceland

- 2012 – Eymundur Magnússon – Nomination for the Nordic Council Nature and Environment Prize For his organic farm and planting shelterbelts with local varieties of trees which form the starting point for ecological systems where other plants thrive for 25 years. He has also provided human diversity: young volunteers from the WWOOF organisation have worked with him every year and created an international community that is loyal to the earth and learns respect for their surroundings.

- 2015 – Móðir Jörð – “Fjöreggið” food award – given by the Food and nutrition society of Iceland and the Federation of Icelandic industries

2018 – Eymundur Magnússon, “Premio Langhe Cerretto” award given by the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy and the Cerretto winery in Langhe, Piedmont. For planting forrest and shelterbelts and created feasible conditions for growing food in the Vallanes farm and with his work, contributed significantly towards sustainability in agriculture, protecting the environment and biodiversity.